For You and Your Family

Brain injury

Sometimes known as Medical Negligence, Clinical Negligence is unfortunately caused by the negligence of a medical professional whilst treating you, a family member or loved one.

Sometimes doctors, dentists and nurses make mistakes when they are treating patients. You could be entitled to compensation if you have been a victim of an accident involving a medical professional.

Clinical negligence cases are complex and they require detailed investigation. Bakers Personal Injury Solicitors acts on behalf of clients injured because of the negligence of treating medical professionals. This includes cases involving negligent treatment within the National Health Service, (NHS) at private hospitals.

Examples of incidents where compensation could be awarded arising out of a range of acts of clinical negligence are:-

  • Medical mismanagement at birth
  • Negligence cases resulting in spinal cord injury
  • Negligence cases resulting in brain injury
  • Negligent surgical orthopedic cases
  • Failure to diagnose cases
  • Negligent surgical maxillo-facial cases
  • Clients developing pressure sores

We pride ourselves in providing high quality and clear legal advice from solicitors who are committed to protecting the rights of injured people and who will work with you to achieve the best result possible.